Call for Participants – Study Session [CLOSED]

We are excited to announce the opening of the call for Participants for our Study Session “Breaking the Barriers - Green Economics and Youth Political Participation in Eastern Europe”.

The event will take place during 4th-9th November in the European Youth Center Budapest (EYCB), Hungary. Travel dates to and from Budapest are 3rd and 10th November.

With this activity, we aim to empower 35 young people from Eastern Europe to explore the dominant economic systems, the inequalities they create, and the barriers to political participation faced by the youth of Eastern Europe that these systems create, as well as to propose solutions inspired by the Green economic models to address these inequalities, and to inspire the youth of Eastern Europe to overcome barriers, advocating for sustainable changes within their communities

We will achieve this through meeting the following objectives:

  1. Enhancing the knowledge base of youth of Eastern Europe about the functioning of economics and its connections with other areas of politics, to understand and critically assess the current economic system and proposed alternative solutions

  2. Investigating the root causes and consequences of economic inequality on the political participation of young individuals in Eastern Europe, particularly those from disadvantaged communities

  3. Identifying solutions to economic inequalities and acquiring the necessary skills to overcome the barriers they face, allowing them to advocate for changes in economic systems at the local, national, regional, and European levels

  4. Motivating the youth of Eastern Europe to actively engage in developing solutions for economic inequalities within their communities and to integrate these issues into the activities of their organisations

Who should apply?

We are looking for 35 young people, not older than 35, from Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Greece, Kosovo*, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Serbia, Turkey, and Ukraine.

Participants who have activism experience in working on the economic issues and political participation, as well as those interested in starting to work on the topic and having high motivation to learn about the content of the Study Session are highly encouraged to apply.

We encourage applications reflecting diversity in all forms; therefore, we welcome applications from those who identify as women, LGBT+ people, people of color, with migration background or with a different ability.

We especially encourage people coming from disadvantaged backgrounds, such as disadvantaged socio-economic context, rural areas, or disadvantaged neighborhoods to apply.


Language: The main language of this activity will be English. Nonetheless, not being comfortable interacting in English should not prevent you from applying, majority of us at the event will be non-native speakers and the group will be able to help if there is some term you might not know!

Costs: The full cost of working materials and lodging (accommodation, food, and refreshments) during the event will be covered by the EYCB. The participation fee is 50 EUR. This fee will be deducted from your travel expense reimbursement.

Visa: For participants requiring a visa to enter Hungary, CDN and EYCB will provide full support, including an invitation letter, during the visa application process. The cost of visa application will be fully covered.

DEADLINE for submitting online applications is 9th of September.

You will be informed about the results of the selection latest by 18th of September.

Note that you will have 2 days to confirm your participation by replying to the email, so be sure to check for emails and respond by 20th of September! Should we not receive the confirmation from your side, your place will be offered to a person on the waiting list.

Please add to your contacts, so that you do not receive our reply in spam folder.

*All references to Kosovo, whether to the territory, institutions or population, in this text shall be understood in full compliance with the United Nations Security Council Resolutions 1244 and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo.


Call for Host Organisations: CDN Activities in 2025 [CLOSED]


Call for Local Actions [CLOSED]