General Assembly 2025

Zagreb, Croatia

29-30th March 2025

We’re excited to announce that General Assembly (GA) 2025 will be hosted by Zeleni prozor, and we invite you to join us in Zagreb, Croatia on March 29-30!

From the rise of the Green wave in Eastern Europe to a growing community of political and environmental activists, Croatia has so much to offer for the Green and progressive movement in Eastern Europe! As the newest EU state, Croatia is also the place to advocate for the rest of the region in their EU accession processes.

General Assembly is the highest decision-making body of CDN. GA consists of delegates from Member organisations and brings other friends from the Green European family to share, network and debate. GA elects Executive Committee, accepts new Member Organisations, adopts activity and financial plan for the next year, amends documents, and makes other relevant decisions. This year, we will also discuss and adopt new Political Platform.

See you soon in Zagreb!


On this page, you will find detailed information regarding practicalities, financial support and reimbursement rules.

General Information

We would kindly ask all attendees to register as early as possible – the deadline according to the IRPs is February 12, 23:59 CET.

NOTE: A registration form is not enough to register as a delegate! Delegates of Member Organisations need to be confirmed by their organisation. Therefore, an official email from your organisation’s email account should be sent to confirming the name(s) of your delegate(s).

In order for CDN to be able to provide financial support for the delegates’ travel costs, the above-proposed deadlines shall apply. The deadline is determined by the IRPs: “Each member and partner organisation shall inform the Secretariat of the names of their representatives at least 45 days before the General Assembly”.

The Registration is the same for all attendees of the GA. Therefore, Guests, Candidates, Outgoing EC, etc. are all requested to fill in the registration form. Since the deadline, according to IRPs, for submitting candidacy is 30 days prior to the GA, the registration form will remain open for two more weeks, until February 27, for Candidates only.

The attendees are expected to arrive on the 28th in the evening (dinner will be provided) and depart on the 31th in the morning (breakfast will be provided). 

Note: We strongly encourage you to follow the good practice of having one experienced delegate (preferably, someone who has been to previous GAs) and one less experienced delegate (to ensure the transfer of knowledge).

In addition, according to IRPs  8.1 Participants of CDN events can’t be older than 35 at the moment of applying. Delegates, whom we will reimburse, are considered participants. Guests, coming at their own expense, can be any age.

For any additional information regarding the financial arrangements, please get in touch with the Office.

To whom will we be covering the costs?

You can find a detailed overview in Financial Conditions. Since it is our desire to support young people and enable everyone’s participation as much as we can, in case you cannot comply with these conditions please do not hesitate to write to us and we will try to find a common solution

  • If you’re coming as the 1st Delegate:

    CDN will cover all of your costs (travel, accommodation, and meals). There is no participation fee.

    If you’re coming as a 2nd Delegate:

    CDN will cover all of your costs (travel, accommodation, and meals). You will be asked to contribute with a participation fee.

  • We will cover all of your costs (travel, accommodation, and meals) during the General Assembly.

    Non-elected EC Candidates will still have accommodation and meals covered for the duration as if they were elected.

    IMPORTANT: EC candidates are expected to depart on April 1st due to the transfer meeting.

  • CDN will not be able to reimburse expenses, and you will be asked to contribute with a participation fee covering accommodation and/or meals.

    Should get in touch with the and financial assistance will be decided on an individual basis.

  • We will cover all of your costs (travel, accommodation, and meals). There is no participation fee.

    Important: Presidency Meeting will take place on March 28, hence the expected date of arrival is March 27.

  • CDN will cover all of your accommodation and meal costs during the event.

  • CDN will not be able to cover any costs of the guests of the General Assembly. There is a participation fee covering meals as well as accommodation if guests request CDN to book accommodation for them.

Other information about travel and financial conditions

We encourage travelling by land whenever possible and it’s the only option if the journey takes less than 15 hours (IRPs §9.1), for reducing CO2 emissions. Since it might be a long way to Zagreb for some of you, flying can be the only option. However, we ask you to organise your travel in the most economical way. Only 2nd/economy class reservations will be reimbursed. This also applies to train reservations.

As a principle, we only cover travel expenses from your place of residence to Zagreb and back. In case you need to travel from or to somewhere else, please contact (cc with a justification of the circumstances, after which we will let you know what to do. 

Don’t wait for the last chance to purchase tickets register as it will get expensive. The deadline to book tickets, together with registration, is 45 days prior to the GA – February 12th. Note that while registering, you will be asked to upload a booking confirmation.

Travel to Zagreb

– By Land:

Zagreb Main Bus Station is located 10 minutes by foot from main city square. You can get more information about the timetable at There are several bus lines that run to international destinations such as Belgrade, Budapest, Vienna, and rest of the Europe.

Zagreb Main Train Station is located near main city square. It is reachable by train from various places in Europe: including direct connection from Budapest. See more information on the official website of Croatian Railways.

The connections make it possible to combine land and air travel e.g. arrive to Budapest or Vienna by plane and take train to Zagreb.

You can check for the train connections here: ÖBB, Rome2Rio, Deutsche Bahn, RailCC

You can also reach Zagreb by bus. Check for routes here: FlixBus, getbybus, and Rome2rio.

– By Air:

The airport is Zagreb Franjo Tuđman Airport (ZAG). There are regular flights by airline companies such as Croatia Airlines, LOT Polish Airlines, Turkish Airlines, Wizz Air and Ryanair. There are some direct connections, and most of the flights will have layovers.

Moreover, it is possible to take flights to Vienna/Budapest and reach Zagreb by train/bus.

We recommend looking for affordable flight options here and here. 


Please, carefully read the Financial Conditions and Reimbursement Rules that we have prepared for you. The document contains all necessary information about travel limits, participation fees, and reimbursement rules. 

More details regarding reimbursement and practicalities (venue, accommodation, etc.), will be shared later with the registered delegates through e-mail.

Call for Executive Committee Members

Here you will find detailed information regarding the call for the 2025/26 EC Members.

Deadline: 27th February, 23:59 CET.

We are excited to open the call for new Executive Committee for the mandate of 2024-25. This is your chance to join our network as the Executive Committee member and contribute to the growing Green movement in Eastern Europe.

The Executive Committee (EC) is the political body elected by the General Assembly. EC is responsible for running the organisation, making strategic and political decisions, overseeing the implementation of activity & financial plans, communication with member organisations.

The presentation of candidates and election of the new Executive Committee will take place at the General Assembly, 29-30th March, Zagreb, Croatia. We will be covering all related costs for participation (transport, accommodation, etc.)

The candidate should submit:

  • Introduction to your candidacy;

  • Motivation Letter (answering questions such as experience with CDN, vision of development of the organisation, and how would you contribute)

  • CV;

  • Photo;

  • Official letter of support from a Candidate’s organisation or any other Member Organisation of CDN

*Note that this Application will be publicly available on and be deleted within three months after the end of General Assembly. 


The Executive Committee tasks include:

  • The tasks and responsibilities are decided during the first in-person meeting and each EC member is assigned combination of responsibilities ensuring interests and balance of workload.

  • Making strategic and political decisions;

  • Overseeing and taking part in the implementation of Activity Plan with main responsibility to ensure political and strategic alignment.

  • Maintaining close and continuous communication with Member Organisations through quarterly regional calls, being primary contact and available to MOs via e-mail correspondence, as well as have meetings during in-person events.

  • Representing and promoting CDN during its and partners’ activities;

  • Fulfiling assigned responsibilities such as oversight of external communications, EC coordination, statutory affairs and events, strategy evaluations, etc.

  • Role of treasurer further includes financial oversight and decision-making on financial matters.

  • Organising and actively participating in the regular (biweekly) EC meetings (lasting usually 2h).

 The candidate for the Executive Committee should:

  • Be motivated to advance the Green movement in Eastern Europe;

  • Be dedicated to the goals of CDN, subscribe its political platform and the Green Ideas;

  • Be comfortable working in an international environment and have good communication and organisational skills;

  • Be willing and available for active online engagement throughout the 1 year mandate;

  • Be prepared for frequent travelling, participating in the live committee meetings, CDN activities and likely several other occasions;

  • Be regularly available via the e-mail for ongoing discussions, work and decision-making, together with regular online conferences;

  • Have a good command of English (written and spoken);

  • Have an interest to follow political developments in Eastern Europe and react to them with available tools such as producing statements, organising and supporting campaigns, assisting member and partner organisations, communicating with other Green stakeholders, etc.

Throughout your mandate in CDN Executive Committee you will get:

  • A chance to work for a lively, youth-powered, diverse and and growing Eastern European youth organisation.

  • Getting familiar with youth projects, non-formal education methodologies, and preparing and leading sessions.

  • Deepening understanding of Eastern European political context, and closer look to youth political movements in the region.

  • Frequent travel and exciting activities, networking with wider Green European political family.

  • An opportunity to develop your professional, political, and activist skills and enhance them through practical experience. Including bolstering team-work, public speaking, and leadership skills.


If elected, candidates are asked to stay for the transfer meeting with the current committee and the first EC meeting. Departure day for EC Candidates is the 31th March. CDN will cover the costs of accommodation for all Candidates, no matter if they are elected or not.

Moreover, elected Executive Committee Members will be asked to attend an in-person 2-day EC meeting within the first month following the General Assembly. The exact dates will be decided collectively.

Applications should be submitted on the GA Digital Platform.

The Deadline for submitting candidacies is February 27, 23:59 CET. However, the earlier you apply the more chance delegates will have to see your candidacy on the platform.

Check more information on practicalities, more detailed information will be provided via e-mail after registration.

Note: In addition to the candidacy-related documents, each Executive Committee candidate needs to fill in the Registration form for GA attendees as well.

In case of any questions do not hesitate to write to

Call for Presidency (Closed)

Here you will find detailed information regarding the call for presidency

Deadline: 20th January, 23:59 CET.

We are looking for Presidency members for the upcoming General Assembly! Presidency is a body that presides over the General Assembly. Presidency, consisting of at least 3 people, who are responsible for managing the programme, discussions, voting sessions and ensuring smooth functioning of the GA. Presidency is selected by the Executive Committee and ratified by delegates at the General Assembly.

Responsibilities of the Presidency:

  • Chairing the plenary and amendment sessions:

    • Moderate the discussions;

    • Give word to the presenters;

    • Read out amendments.

  • Managing the election and the voting processes efficiently:

    • Make the call for voting;

    • Counting votes;

    • Support technical aspect of voting on GA platform;

    • make sure that voting and elections are taken according to the IRPs and Statutes;

  • Tracking the quorum and absences;

  • Take down minutes;

  • Other minor logistical tasks.

Candidates must have:

  • Solid experience in political processes and chairing meetings;

  • Experience with CDN or one of its Members and/or experience of attending CDN or FYEG GA before;

  • Enough time to dedicate to the GA and preparing for presidency role.

As a member of the presidency you will need to get acquainted with rules and procedures around CDN GA, described in Statutes and IRPs. You will also need to attend at least 2 online meetings before the GA in order to divide the tasks. Members of the presidency are expected to be present in Zagreb for the duration of the GA together with Staff and Executive Committee. They are expected to arrive on 27th to meet and finalise preparations as well as participate in the online evaluation meeting in the following month. All costs of travel, visa, accommodation and meals will be covered by CDN.

To apply, please send in short description of your experience and motivation to by 20th of January 23:59 CET.

Call for New Members 

Here you will find detailed information regarding the call for New Members

Deadline: 28.02.2024, 23:59 CET

We are thrilled to announce a call for the membership of our Network which is going to be decided upon by the upcoming General Assembly!

Any youth organisation that share similar values with CDN and is located and active in Eastern Europe can apply to become Member Organisation.

Here is Membership Criteria as defined by the Internal Rules of Procedure:

General Criteria:

  • Youth organisation (NGO, Youth wing of Green party,
    youth movements, youth of organisations that are dealing
    with issues applicable with CDN aims)

    1. Do not need to be registered, but statutes needed

Sustainability criteria:

  • Not one project-based organisation

    1. Democratic structure (as understood by the GA on an ad
      hoc basis)

Value and issue criteria:

  • Compatible with CDN Political Platform

    1. Open for Green values as a whole, even if actions are
      streamed towards specific issues

More information about CDN, our principles, our documents, work in the past and our plans can be found on the CDN website. Linked you can find CDN StatutesInternal Rules and Procedures and Political Platform.


In order to apply, the organisation must submit:

  • General information, introduction on the application page

  • Filled in the Application form.

  • Statutes of the organisation in English

  • Copy of legal act of registration of the organisation (if applicable)

In addition, if there are any other relevant documents (political platform, manifesto, statements, resolutions) in English that your organisation works accordingly to, it should be submitted as well.

The Deadline for submitting candidacies is February 28, 23:59 CET. However, the earlier you apply the more chance delegates will have to see your candidacy on the platform.

Each candidate organisation’s application will be reviewed by the Executive Committee and a recommendation for the delegates will be written and presented during the General Assembly.

Each Candidate Organisation will be given a chance to present their candidacy at the General Assembly. If the Candidate Organisation doesn’t have a representative at the GA, another way for the presentation of the candidacy will be ensured.

CDN will not be able to cover costs of Candidate organisation. However, you may still request financial assistance for participating in-person, get in touch with our office in advance and we will try to find the best solution on an individual basis.

Check more information on practicalities, more detailed information will be provided via e-mail after registration.

Note: In addition to the candidacy-related documents, each candidate organisation representative needs to fill in the Registration form for GA attendees as well.

In case of any questions do not hesitate to write us at

Help us organise General Assembly 2025 and support our mission by making a contribution