Call for Local Actions [CLOSED]

We are happy to announce that the call for the applications for the second activity within our annual work plan “Unite-Think-Act: Political Participation of Green Youth of Eastern Europe!” is now open.

The call for the applications for local actions is an opportunity for the youth organisations that participated in the previous stage of the project (but not only!) to submit the applications consisting of the Local Action Plans and accepted Draft Budget.

The 2nd part of the annual work plan aims to provide space and resources to green youth organisations of Eastern Europe to refocus their political visions, create political platforms, plans and strategies, and bring them to action by organising advocacy and negotiation campaigns on local, regional and cross-regional levels. This should be achieved by reaching the following objectives:

  1. To provide resources and guidance for 7 green youth organisations from EE for developing strategies or action plans for focused political action.

  2. To support 7 green youth organisations from EE to take focused political action by implementing strategies or action plans that they form.

  3. To promote dialogue and negotiations between youth and other political stakeholders in the countries of EE and by doing so raise participation of youth in EE in political processes.

  4. To enhance inter-cultural and inter-regional cooperation between green youth organisations from EE within spheres of political action.

We will provide funding for local actions for 7 organisations through a 4-month period of preparation, implementation and reporting. In this period, LA organisers will create activities which will contribute to project aim and strengthen their internal capacities, work on their organisational documents, and organise focused political actions.

The Local Actions should:

  • Be directly in line with the Aim and Objectives detailed above

  • Focus on concrete problems and concrete solutions tied to the countries or regions they are being implemented

  • Be connected to the topic of the Work Plan

  • Have clearly defined Aim and Objectives

  • Work directly on producing political action plans, political platforms, advocacy plans, strategies, or other organisational documents. At least one of such documents must be produced as the output of the Local Action

  • Organise at least one activity as a follow up of the documents created (advocacy campaign, stakeholder dialogue, focused youth mobilisation or similar)

  • Have clearly defined political, youth, and gender perspectives

  • Involve young people of different backgrounds in the activity

  • Have a clear Outcome

The Office and EC responsible people for the project will decide on the grants to be allocated for each campaign. CDN offers maximum of 3300 EUR as a grant per organisation involved in the Local Action. Applying organisations can apply individually OR they can apply jointly with organisations from one more country and conduct the joint local action. NOTE that the grant is PER ORGANISATION, meaning that if two countries apply the maximum grant is 6600 EUR.

The decision on the grants will be brought according to the feasibility of the local action plan.

To ensure the intercultural character of the activities, we will prioritize LAs that are regional or somehow involve participants from neighbouring countries.

Organisation whose representatives participated in the Refocus Summer Camp in Tbilisi will have an advantage in receiving the grant.

Local Action teams will be fully responsible for executing the project along with people they select as team members, activists, and participants, who are required to match all criteria of CDN activities. We strongly encourage representation and participation of all social groups, especially women and queer people. Local teams are encouraged to hire additional experts on skills or topics, and we are striving for NFE tools and methodologies, as well as the safe space policy to be used during the preparation and implementation of the whole project. CDN will be eager to provide expertise as well as contextual or project-related assistance if required by the local teams.

In addition, responsibilities of the applicant in case the grant is awarded are:

  • Starting the preparations for the LAs end of September 2024 and participating in the Kick off Zoom meeting

  • Implementing the activity based on the accepted application and recommendations of CDN Office and EC

  • Finalising the implementation of the activity by end of November 2024

  • Finalise the financial and content reporting to CDN by mid December 2024

  • Saving, organising and sending all the bills, invoices and other proofs of payments connected to the project and reported in the financial report

  • Sending both digital (scanned version in Nextcloud folder) and original bills (paper to CDN’s office in Belgrade);

  • Using only Nextcloud folder and collaborative (doc, xls, ptt, etc.) files for the project for security reasons

  • Participating in the dissemination of the project

  • Ensuring the visibility of the project, CDN and EYF. Namely, using hashtags #cdnee and #eyfcoe, as well as adding the logos of both organisations, as well as the Council of Europe logo on any material that will be produced during the local actions

  • Making and sending to CDN pictures and videos from the action with all the logos visible

To apply for the grant, fill in the LOCAL ACTION APPLICATION form and accept the draft BUDGET for the activities.

Deadline for submitting the applications is 1st of September 2024 23:59 CET. Please, consider, that any application sent after this date will be disqualified.

The files must be sent to with Local Action 24 Application in the subject of the e-mail. In case of questions, do not hesitate to contact Nikola, CDN’s project coordinator at the above-mentioned e-mail.

Only full applications will be considered. You will get the result and feedback approximately in two weeks after the deadline.

Please add the above-mentioned e-mail in your contact list to avoid our mails ending up in spam.

This activity, as well as the Work Plan this activity is a part of, is carried out with funding from the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe.


Call for Participants – Study Session [CLOSED]


Call for Prep-Team Members - Study Session [CLOSED]