Cooperation and Development Network Eastern Europe
About cdnee
We are a capacity-building network for youth organisations, young activists and politicians with progressive values in Eastern Europe. Today, we bring together 16 member and 6 observer organisations, and many more friends and partners across Europe.
Our mission is to empower and support progressive change-makers enabling them to increase their political relevance and impact. With our activities and events, that include trainings, seminars, and conferences, we strive to equip them with the necessary skills and knowledge to lead the change for more just, open, and sustainable societies.
Our Values
We believe that the well-being of people and the flourishing of the environment are closely linked and that one cannot defend the interests of one while forgetting the other. We are convinced that a radical reform of our current social, political, and economic institutions is necessary. Eastern Europe – where issues such as corruption, pollution and discrimination loom large – can only profit from a progressive vision. We strive for a world in which human rights are upheld, the genders are truly equal, people actively participate in democracy, minorities are included, and the environment is protected.
We believe that human and social rights are fundamental everywhere and that global affairs must be conducted in a spirit of peace, solidarity and fairness. As Greens and progressives, we know that our values are interrelated and that solutions are sustainable only when these values mutually support each other.
We recently
celebrated 20 years
Have a look at the panel discussion that we organised during 2023 General Assembly which brought together 10 former members of our Executive Committe discussing their experience and transformative role of cdnee.
Below, you can see some pictures from our past activities over the last two decades.

Become a part of progressive change in Eastern Europe
Your donation will help us accelerate our impact and empower even more progressive changemakers in Eastern Europe.