Eastern European Greens for the European Parliament!
Eastern European Young Greens are running for the European Parliament!
We are very happy to support candidates of our Member Organisations Mladi zeleni and Protests! The elections will have enormous importance for the whole Europe, and Eastern Europe need strong green representation! 🗳️
In Czechia, vote for list no. 12 Zeleni 💚
🟢 Zuzana Pavelková (no. 3) was FYEG Co-Spokesperson between 2018-2019. For the past five years, she has been working as a lawyer for Organization for Aid to Refugees (OPU). She believes Czechia and Europe are ready for a new generation of progressive politicians who will put people and the planet at the core of their policies.
🟢 Josefína Kubínová (no. 15) works as a social worker with people with disabilities and studies masters in genders studies. She is passionate in adressing the topic of anti-ableism, social inequality issues and gender equality.
🟢 Matěj Frouz (no. 20) has goal to establish more resilient networks of activism and politics, fostering collaborative solutions to issues. He is deeply passionate about promoting the sustainable development of rural areas, drawing from his personal experience of growing up in a small village.
🟢Petr Doubravský (no. 2) participated in the birth of Fridays for the Future movement in 2019. He wants a quick and fair solution to the climate crisis, an end to the mining and burning of coal, and a transition to clean energy sources that do not forget the lives and needs of ordinary people.
In Latvia, vote for list no. 9 Progresivie 💪
🟢 Selma Levrence (no. 18) is a human rights activist currently working at the Latvian parliament. Her passions include intersectional feminism, LGBTQ+ rights and youth empowerment in politics. She was CDN Executive Committee Member in 2021-23.
🟢 Igors Klavins (no. 11) is the Youngest Riga City Councilor, Sociologist, activist at heart. Fighting for Green transition, young people, feminism and animal rights in Riga, Latvia and Europe.
🟢 Agnese Radziņa (no. 13) is passionate about banning unpaid internsips and lowering the voting age for the European Parliamentary elections to 16.