Mobilisation for Transformation
By the Young Greens of Georgia
Young Greens of Georgia focused on strengthening their organisational capacity by facilitating strategic discussions and planning sessions.
Georgian youth is facing growing authoritarianism from the government. This creates obstacles for them to continue carrying out activities and daily tasks. The ongoing political situation in Georgia made them rethink their organisation and its missions. They realised that they need to be prepared for every possible outcome. This diversity of ongoing challenges is reflected in the new strategy document.
YGG hosted internal organisational meetings to discuss existing challenges and plans to solve them. During the first meeting, they tried to plan different strategies before and after the elections and shortly thought about a strategy document. In the second meeting, they focused on the strategy document, drafting ideas, sharing opinions, etc.
Based on the organisational meetings, the project team developed a strategy document together with invited experts and volunteers. YGG drafted the main ideas of the document during their second meeting and then continued working on it online. Once created, they shared the document with the members to receive final feedback. After receiving the feedback, the document was reviewed again.
The final document was created based on the reflection of members and it will help the organisation for future navigation. On the one hand, the document demonstrates the values, aims, and objectives of the organisation, and on the other hand, it gives the members future roadmaps to navigate through different challenges.