General Assembly 2023
March 9-11
Warsaw, Poland
The 14th General Assembly of Cooperation and Development Network Eastern Europe, took place 9-12 March in Warsaw, Poland, hosted by Ostra Zieleń (Polish Young Greens).
Throughout the four days delegates engaged in political and organisational debates, adopted reports & plans, voted for amendments and elected the new Executive Committee.
This year's GA was exceptionally important for two reasons. We updated statutes with several amendments, including a major change of structure in membership - we opened the door for Eastern European organisations from the EU to be more involved members instead of partners. We also took a moment to reflect on our journey and celebrate CDN's 20th anniversary with a lively panel discussion.
Following documents were adopted:
Reports & Plans:
Statutes and Internal Rules of Procedure we updated;
○ Stautes
Three resolutions were approved:
○ Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups in Eastern Europe
○ CDN-FYEG Relations Paper Revision
○ Resolution linked to Statutes Amendments 2 - concerning the change of the membership structure
Delegates also amended following documents:
We also welcomed new Observer organisation - Neoi Prasinoi - Young Greens of Greece. While with updating statutes, Ostra Zieleń (Polish Young Greens) and Protests became member organisations.
And finally the General Assembly also elected the new Executive Committee.