Call for Refocus Summer Camp Participants [CLOSED]

We are excited to announce the opening of the call for Participants for our Refocusing Summer Camp, that will take place from 5th until 10th of August in Tbilisi, Georgia!

With this activity we aim to empower 35 young Eastern Europeans to take active, focused, and strategic political actions, as well as equip them with the necessary knowledge, skills, and tools for such actions, and by doing so contribute to active youth political participation in the region.

With this event, we will strive to:

  • Provide space for participants for refocusing their political visions and contextual positions, and share them with each other

  • Equip participants with knowledge, skills and tools for analysis and understanding of their contextual and political positions

  • Equip participants with knowledge, skills and tools for creation of action plans, strategies, and negotiation processes

  • Empower participants to apply knowledge and skills gained to their organisations, produce action plans and strategies, and transform them into concrete action in their local contexts

Who should apply?

We are looking for 35 young people, not older than 30, from Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria,  Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Greece, Kosovo*, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Serbia, Turkey or Ukraine.

We encourage applications reflecting diversity in all forms; therefore, we welcome applications from those who identify as women, LGBT+ people, people of color, with migration background, with a different ability, or with any other disadvantaged backgrounds.

Participants who active in their local communities and youth organisations, as well as those interested in beginning their activist or political journeys and are having high motivation to learn about the content of the Summer Camp, are highly encouraged to apply.


Language: The main language of this activity will be English. Nonetheless, not being comfortable interacting in English should not prevent you from applying, majority of us at the event will be non-native speakers and the group will be able to help out if there is some term you might not know!

Costs: The full cost of working materials, travel costs, visa and lodging (accommodation, food, and refreshments) during the event will be covered by the CDN.

The participation fee for this event is 20 EUR as base fee and 50 EUR as solidarity fee. Selected participants will be asked to pay the invoice upon confirmation of participation. Please note that we would not like this fee to be an obstacle for you to apply – should you not be able to pay the participation fee, we could reduce or waiver it.

For selection of travel means we encourage participants to combine the most economic and environmentally friendly way (lowest price + travel time + CO2 emissions). Upon acceptance, you will receive our Financial and travel guidance. Please note that the arrival date for the participants is 4th of August and departure date is 11th of August.

DEADLINE for submitting online applications is the 2nd of June.

You will be informed about the results of the selection latest by 10th of June.

Note that you will have 2 days to confirm your participation by replying to the email, so be sure to check for emails and respond by 12th of June! Should we not receive the confirmation from your side, your participation will be automatically canceled.

Please add to your contacts, so that you do not receive our reply in spam folder.

If you are not selected at first, you might be put on a waiting list and contacted in case a spot is freed. You will know this information by 10th of June as well.

*All references to Kosovo, whether to the territory, institutions or population, in this text shall be understood in full compliance with the United Nations Security Council Resolutions 1244 and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo.

This activity, as well as the Work Plan this activity is a part of, is carried out with funding from the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe.


Call for Prep-Team Members - Study Session [CLOSED]


Call for Refocus Summer Camp Prep Team [CLOSED]