Feminists in the Environmental Movement

This publication has been produced by the Green European Foundation with the support of Cooperation and Development Network Eastern Europe (CDN) and with the financial support of the European Parliament to the Green European Foundation.

Our planet is in danger, and those fighting for their homes daily are not heard! Local Reporters in 7 countries of Central and Eastern Europe have visited the areas harmed by climate change and harsh industries and listened to the inspiring stories of young women living in rural areas. 

Through an ecofeminist lense, this publication explores the connection between feminism, youth, and the environmental struggles in Central and Eastern Europe. As part of the Feminists in the Environmental Movement project, we have explored these concepts within urban areas, but the struggle in rural and de-urbanised areas remained under-examined. While green successes and support often concentrate in urban centres, engaging and mobilising rural communities is crucial to achieve a socially just green transition.

This publication includes extensive research on the lives of young female activists in rural and de-urbanised areas, the stories of their struggles, victories and hopes for the future. It aims to raise voices of people who are usually unheard in the European landscape. While reading the different articles, you will explore the lives of women in rural areas, their perspectives and tools to cope with the local issues, and the multiple forms of oppression they face.